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what makes me happy :)

hellooo everybody! In everyones lives there are ups and downs, and its important to recognise those little ( or big! ) things that make you happy. Research has shown that a happy life and relationships makes you a healthier, more productive person!

In this blog post I wanted to share with you what makes me happy and bubbly <3

1. My family and friends. You're probably thinking 'well duh, me too!' but I really love and appreciate my family and friends and all they do for me ! They make me happy all the time and they are so important.

2. Reading. Reading is my passion. My joy! I love how you can get immersed in a book for hours and get so excited, scared, and happy with the characters. Right now, I'm reading the Girl Online series for the upmteenth time ( not a suprise! I love Zoe's books so much <3)

and everytime something magical happens between Penny and Noah I actually catch myself smiling!

3. School. Okay that might seem weird, but I actually enjoy school. I love to hang out with all by friends, play some footy, talk, and yes, learn!

4. Gifts. Everyone does, but when I receive something I absolutely love and need and want, I feel all tingly and happyyy!!! And soo grateful too.

5. Watching kids movies and comedies. I just love cracking up with laughter every time Po makes a face in Kung Fu Panda, or when Derek Zoolander gets the simplest answer wrong. Oh and Disney movies! Can never forget those.

6. The beach. Oh the sand, the crashing waves, surfing, rock pools.... do I have to say how much I love the beach?

Well, there you have it! Some of the things that make me happy! Just writing these things down has made me feel all warm inside. I hope I've inspired you to do something you love, because I've just inspired myslef to go watch Kung Fu Panda !

What about you? What makes you happy? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

lots and lots of love, manon xxx

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